Blogging In the Fifth Grade

Monday, January 10, 2011

To Drink or Not to Drink

Now that we have almost completed the novel, Tuck Everlasting, discuss the following questions with each other:
  • Would you want to live forever?
  • If so, what age would you want to remain?
  • What would happen to the world if no one ever died?
  • What would happen if someone selected which people could live forever?

Remember, when blogging to respect and hear each other's opinions. Comment back to each other constructively, without passing judgement on the other. Come to a conclusion following each thought.


  1. To Drink or Not to Drink? That REALLY is the question. Would I want to live forever while possibly my family would not? I think if I chose to drink from the Fountain of Youth I probably would do so at the age of 25 or so. This way I could be married and maybe have children of my own. I wouldn’t want to miss out on having a family!
    If the Fountain of Youth became public, I think the world would be in such turmoil I believe that the environment would suffer the most.

  2. swr said

    I would not want to live forever because i would miss all my friends and family in heaven.The age I would want to remain at would be twenty-one beacause I would have a family and I would be able to drive.The world would be overpopulated if everyone lived forever.If someone seleccted who would get to live for ever or not I would say,[People can choose if they want to live forever or not.]

  3. MR
    i understnd what you said mrs.Davison.But i would drink the fountain of youth when im 18 because i would still have a lot of fun like a kid and i can still drive.

  4. A.R. said...
    I would definately not drink from the Fountain of Youth. Although I would get to see the future, I'd see everything and everyone dying except for me. If I chose to drink from it at a certain age it would be about twent-one. The world would never change besides the fact that people who didn't drink would die. If someone said that only specific people could drink, it would cause happiness and/or saddness.

  5. GC
    i wouldn't drink from the Fountain of youth because if i just drank all my friends and family would die and i would really miss them. if i did drink from the Fountain of Youth though i would drink at the age of 24 or so, so i can get married and have kids :) <3 ***!! $$

  6. A.M.
    I would not want to live forever because I would be the only one left in my faimly and I would have no friends. Also, it would be devistating because I would have no family or friends to live with and talk to.

  7. cr

    I would like to live forever.I would probaly want to stay at the age 16.I would stay at the age of 16 because I would like to stay a teenager forever.If no one ever died in the world there would be a lot of pandamonium.If someone selected the people who could drink from the fountain of youth everyone would probaly fight over it.I think people would fight over it because there are only certain people that person is picking.


  8. GM
    Well, Ms. Davison I do agree with you parshally but, I honestly wouldn't pick that age because if you drink the water at the age of 25 then you won't be able to do what kids do our age and if you do drink the water at the age of 25 you won't get to expierance how we act to problems but I might be wrong because you said you might want to have children of your own so possibly you will now about children at our age. Thank you, for your time, and I hope you enjoyed my comment.

  9. Antonia Bustamante <3 ;)
    I would not wont to drink from the fountain because when I die I would wont to see the pepole that passsed away in my life.But if I did dink from the fountain the age I would remain in would be 17 or so on.If know one ever died there would be no living.If someone selected who would live and who would not would not be fair:)Those are my oppions.

  10. Mike said...

    I agree with you that the envirnmont would suffer the most but there are bigger resons like funeral homes would go out of buissness because people would not die. People all over the world would want to get to it and if someone drank from it in war they would not die and that means the war would never end. If you were the only one in your family who drank from it and your family didint they would die and you would not and you will miss them forever. The world will over populate and it would be MADNESS!!!!!

  11. N.B.and A.C.
    We both would want to drink but,wouldn't want to at the same time.There are soo many possibilities if one does drink.(good and bad)
    N.B. agrees with Ms.Davison about drinking at the age of 25. A.C. thinks 20 is the best. A.C. thinks that if the public found out about the fountain of youth a big water company would buy it and sell it for a lot of money. N.B. agrees too.

  12. EB

    I would like to live forever. I would wait untill I am age 27 to drink and stay age 27. I would be able to get married and have children. If everyone drank the world would be over populated. There would be no jobs because people would never die. Everyone would be immortal so no one can get hurt. People would probably fight over The Fountain of Youth if it was discovered. If my family didn't drink they would die and i would miss them forever.

  13. NZ said....
    I would want live forever I would get to see all the things that happen around the wolrd. My age would probaly be around twenty to twenty-five. If no one ever died the world would be a madhouse no one will win wars they will just keep goung on. If someone would select people to drink from it it would be bad because if certain people didn't get picked they would get greedy. thats just my opinoin.

  14. Benawesome :)said...
    That is very true. If the world knew if there is a fountain of youth every body would go crazy trying to drink from it. It would be choas. The population would grow every day.

  15. AN
    I agree that is the question. I probably won't drink from the fountain of youth, because of all the experience I would gain while I'm growing. If I did drink from this fountain of immortality, I would do so at the age of 18. It would be a careless life and I could drive. If one person could decide who could drink from the fountain, the world will fall into unbalance. If someone like Adolf Hitler or the man in the yellow suit, the world would no doubt be destructive.

  16. An
    Hello Shaun. I agree with you on being around 21 but I have a question. If everyone stayed the same age, how would children be born?

  17. Benawesome:)said...

    I disagree with NZ

  18. GC
    I really liked your comment.

  19. GC
    i totally agree with you alex although i would drink at about 24

  20. M.M said...

    i do not agree with you marcos because i would do it a little older so i coul do more stuff

  21. A.C
    i totally agree with drinking the fountain at the age of 18 or older cause then i will have a car.

  22. EI
    i would not want to live forever because i would not see my friends.if i did drink from the fountain of youth i would be maybe 21.If everyone drank from the fountain of youth no war will end and people would lose their jobs.if someone selected some people to live forever people will be sad and it wouldnt be fair.

  23. Axe-man said...
    Who is this and how are you.

  24. Cr

    Hey benawesome. I really agree with you

  25. GM
    Antonia you have a good point there but would'nt you want to say goodbye to them.
    Anyway, that comment was very brillant nice job!!

  26. swr
    I dont agree with you because wouldnt you miss your family and friends in heaven.

  27. A.M.
    I agree with Gianna because I would want to have kids but then eventually they would die.):

  28. GC
    i agree with both of you AC and NB :) :) :) *** $$

  29. A.C
    I really do not know what i would think would happen to the world. maybe the world would be way way over populated. also another war would probably start because which state or country would get the water.

  30. EB

    MR I would wait untill i am 27 to drink from the fountain o youth

  31. MR
    if no one ever died the world would have chaos and i would just be hidding in a corner eating bbq chips

  32. M.M said

    nick i dont agree with you because you get over it

  33. SWR
    I totally agree with you about gaining Knowledge.I like how you used Adolf Hitler and the man in the yellow suit.

  34. AN
    Hello AR. I agree with you and BM.

  35. G.!! I dont need a 'im so right' because I totally agree with you!!!!#33

  36. EB

    SWR I agree with you but your family could drink from the fountain of youth.

  37. AR
    I don't really think I agree wwith you NZ. What do you think would happen to the world?

  38. A.C.
    i would not drink the fountain because i would want to see my loved ones when they die.But at the same time i do want to drink the fountain so i can see the future.

  39. MN i <3 squirrels
    marcoss i totaly agree (lol chips!)

  40. JCW said...

    I would not like to live forever because I would see all my friends and family die. If I did live forever though, I would chose the age of 18 years old. I would choose this age because I could enjoy my youth and I could drive.

  41. M.M said

    i dont agree with you nick because you could get board of life

  42. AN
    Thank you Shaun. I think you have great idea about this issue also.

  43. N.B.

  44. SWR
    If my family drank from the fountain of youth i would too

  45. A.M.
    If I were to live forever I would e able to see the wonders of the world, but i would be without family and friends.

  46. Axe-man said...
    Hello whoever but I would drink the fountain of youth I would drink it when I'm 17-18 so I can drive and still be a kid ,SQUIRREL!!! Sorry I saw one anyway T.T.Y.L.

  47. NZ
    MR why would you hide in a corner while eating bbq chips

  48. GC
    thanks for all the comments i really apreeciate it <3 <3 <3

  49. A.C.
    i agree M.R because the world would be totally choas but the chips part i dont think would happen

  50. AN I agree with you MM. After a long time you would get really bored with life. If you were older when you drank from the fontain, you would wish you could die. It really would be a dreary life.

  51. MR
    oh wait i forgot because i want some bagels,sprite,buffalo wings, oh and with butter.

  52. Benawesome:)said...

    If I could live forever I would see the wonders of the world

  53. Es said
    I agree with Ms.Davison To live forever but i would not like to see so many people dead. Also anthor postive thing is to i would never be able to be tough and i would not care about hetting hurt. Also,nobody would have jobs because they can not loose thier house if the did the would not die from living on the street!

  54. AN
    Why would you do that? wouldn't you feel sad for those who are dieng?

  55. JCW said...

    If no one ever died the world would be plain there would be no people born. There would be no new people to meet. Some people would never complete their dreams beacause they had to be older to do something they wanted.

  56. N.B. :p
    what would probably happen if no one ever died would be: the world would get over populated! lines would be soo long! :(

  57. Axe-man said...

  58. GM
    Honestly, if no one ever died in the world people would definitly have a hard time getting around the city, state or town and possibly get injured. Also, the world would over populate. In a food situation the farmers would have a very tough time with planting their crops because since there would be an over population people would need water and you need that to grow crops. In my oppinion, the world would be absolute chaos. Thank you very much for reading my thoughtful yet worth reading. Hope you enjoyed my comment.

  59. JCW said...

    If someone selected who could live forever people would fight and no one would get along because the people that were not chosen to live forever might want to live forever.

  60. A.H.
    I would not like to live forever because a lot of people died in my family and I would like to see them in heaven agian.I also think it would not be fair to them. Don't you think so?

  61. JK
    I think the world would be in caus and there so many wars because coutries would want control of the fountain of Youth

  62. JK
    I agre with AH I also have family members that died before I was born

  63. N.B. :p
    I also agree with both JK and AH because since I am NOT DRINKING from the fountain I would like to some day meet Grandma. (on my dads side)

  64. N.B. :P
    living forever would probably make me depressed because I love every single member of my family. If they died I would probably end up crying myself to sleep every night for well,forever!!

  65. N.B. :P
    Hey, has anyone ever considered the good things about everyone drinking from the fountain? The positive effects that can improve the world? I did.If people drank from the fountain before the devastation in Haiti,not THAT MANY PEOPLE would have died.Or before the thing with Pearl Harbor.Or even the Atom bomb landing in Japan!! Even if the world did over populate I am sure somehow some way we can make it work. Look how we have progressed in almost everything from when Christopher Columbus "discovered" America to now!! People back then could not even imagine what we have now! So, all in all even if the world did over populate I am sure somehow we can make it work!!
    thank you for reading my comment :~)
