Blogging In the Fifth Grade

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make

Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make

Stone walls do not a prison make,

Nor iron bars a cage;

Minds innocent and quiet take

That for a hermitage;

If I have freedom in my love,

And in my soul am free,

Angels alone that soar above

Enjoy such liberty.

Text to text, Text to self connection:

Tuck Everlasting

While Winnie stands in the darkness outside of the jailhouse, she has lines from an old poem in her head: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage.

This poem, To Althea, from Prison is a romantic poem written by Richard Lovelace in 1642. The poem is one of Lovelace's best known works, and its final stanza's first line ("Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage") is often quoted. Lovelace wrote the poem while imprisoned in Gatehouse Prison for speaking up against one of the King's rules.

Your Task:

Think about what "Stone walls do not a prison make" means before you read on.

Since we are unable to come together today, I will tell you what I believe it means. It means that you don't have to be surrounded by stone and iron to find yourself in a prison or in a cage. The strongest bars are not made of iron, but of your own fears.

People go about their day to day lives never brave enough to step off the path and live their lives. This is due to fear. They're locked inside a cage of their own creation and they don't even realize it. They don't know what it truly means to be free.

Freedom comes from within, from your attitude. Stone walls cannot deny your inner freedom. You are in charge of your freedom. You can change your attitude.

As you comment on my post, answer the following questions. If you feel uncomfortable blogging on my particular request, simply speak about freedom and what it means to you. (COPS apply~at least 15 sentences.)

1. What fear do you have that you would like to overcome so that you may have "inner freedom”? This fear should be something that keeps you from doing things in your regular day. (For example; maybe it is a fear of public speaking; It should not be a fear of snakes, etc., unless you handle them everyday)

2. Do you think that this fear is denying or keeping you from feeling completely free? If so, how?

3. List 2 or 3 ways that you can begin to overcome this fear. Think "baby-steps." These actions can be small steps in moving ahead with overcoming this fear.

4. Write about what your day would be like if you overcame this fear today. Describe how you and the day would be changed

Extra Credit Reading Project: On an 8" x 11" piece of paper, create a collage from pictures found in magazines, newspapers, or on-line, that you feel is representative of the novel, Tuck Everlasting. Include pictures of people who could be the characters from the story. ) For example: a woman for Mae, a young girl for Winnie, etc.) Place them in a setting you also find in the above resources. Include symbols, ideas and/or concepts from the novel.


  1. Georgia

    Mrs. Davison I have to say how much of a beautiful writer you are. The way you think is a power like no other. 1. Firstly, I truly fear standing up and singing around my family. It's quite strange because around my friends I'm normal. I would really like to overcome my fear I guess you can say public speaking because I truly believe I'm very talented and I would love to share that with them. 2. I definately think that this ability that is holding me back is really not making myself feel completly free because, I can't show people a talent that I truly cherish. 3. The two ways I have chosen are: that I should try to get out of my shell and shine. Another way is: To tell my family I'm sorry but I just have a terrible fear of singing in front of you. I'm sure they would understand. 4. If I overcame my fear today I would feel free like a bird. Now I know that is a wierd way to desciribe my feeling like that, but have you ever seen when a bird flies it looks so free? Well, that is how I would like to feel. Tanks for reading my comment. I truly ment it.

  2. Gianna
    I think that the meaning of the line is something to think about. The fear I would like to overcome so I can have "inner freedom" is to not be afraid to get hit with a soccer ball. I think this fear is keeping me from playing soccer better. I can overcome my fear by practicing with my brother and my father. Another way to overcome my fear is to have more confidence in myself. My day would be phenomenal because I can play soccer and not care if I get hit with the ball. My day would change because my fear would be gone and I would change because even if I get hurt I get hurt it will only hurt for a little while. This is how I can conquer my fear.

  3. Gianna
    Georgia same thing with me but I only hate dancing in front of my family more than singning but other than that I totally agree

  4. Evan

    I think it would be good to think about being in prison. The fear I would like to overcome is the fear of people stopping by. This fear is keeping me from being free because I would want to escape and it's harder when people stop by. I could probably overcome this fear by thinking about escaping and having a good time. Another way to overcome my fear is to just escape and get it over with. If I overcame this fear today I wouldn't be afraid of people stopping by anymore. I would be changed because I feel less anxious. My days would change because they can't get ruined. I wouldn't have to worry about people stopping by when I leasy expect it. In conclusion, this is how I can overcome my fear

  5. Marcos,
    I think bars don't make a jail. I think being wiyhout your family is very bad. I think jail is to pay your consequences. And when you meet your family again you'll be very respectful to your family andd others. So Mae was paying the consequences while Miles, Jesse, Tuck, and Winnie were trying to break Mae out of jail.

  6. Nick
    I truly believe performing in front of people is holding me back. The reason is because I never volunteer to do anything like the talent show. Also i really don't like singing in front of people. I think my fear is holding me back because I never show myself to anybody but my family or some of my friends. I don't usually preform in front my family or friends though. I don't feel like I have totally no freedom but I am sure that I don't have a lot. One of the ways I can overcome this fear is that I could start preforming in front of my family and friends. Another way is that I could start practicing to sing but by myself. My third reason would be that maybe I could video tape myself on a camcorder and show some people. If I overcame my fear today I would be so happy. If it happened i would feel so much more open. Now I wouldn't have to worry about preforming in front of people. So now I won't have to worry about being shy. I would be so happy. In conclusion, this is how I would overcome my fear.

  7. Ms.Davison said...
    Marcos, I'm so glad you are thinking about the poem, however you must reread my post in order to respond to write your 15 sentence blog. Read over my post carefully so that you can then answer the questions. Write about your own fears.
    Ms. D

  8. Dear Nick and Georgia,
    I think you should maybe consider performing in the talent show with some friends. This way you can face your fears straight on. What's holding you back? You will have so much fun and also have an opportunity to get rid of this ball and chain that may hold you back from enjoying your life.

    Ms. Davison

  9. Gianna,
    You are already facing your fear by playing soccer. Why not ask the coach for some tips on how to protect yourself from getting injured by a hard kick? I bet you are a great player. Just by stating your fear aloud, you have already begun to overcome it.
    Ms. Davison

  10. Gianna
    I suppose you are right Ms. Davison

  11. Ken
    Stone walls do not a prison make,Nor iron bars a cage.I agree with Marcos I think being without your family is horrible. I think a jail is to think of what you've done. Also when you meet your family again you'll be respectful to your family and friends. So Mae was in that jail to think of what she have done to the man in the yellow suit and before she gets hung the constable will say " Any last words?" and Mae will say she should have never done that to the man in the yellow suit but Mae will not get hung because Winnie, Jesse, Miles, and Tuck break Mae out of jail.

  12. Mike

    One fear I have is to give speech in front of a enormous crowd o people. This does not make me feel like im not free. I would overcome this fear by saying a speach to my family or my friends. The day i overcome this fear will be glorious.

  13. christopher

    I truly believe that my greatest fear is the fear of lightning. When I hear on the news that a thunderstorm is near I get very anxious. As I hear the thunder crack I coward in fear. I feel that it is holding me back because I am afraid to watch the storm.
    I can try to overcome this fear by trying to feel more relaxed. Maybe, I can start to learn more about lightining and thunderstorms. The way I can learn more is how to be prepared. I can read books and go online. The last way I can get over my fear is by not worrying so much and stay cool. If I can over come my fear today I would be so happy. If there was another thunderstorm or lightning storm I probaly wouldn't be scared at all.
    In the event of a lightning or thunderstorm I wouldn't coward in fear anymore. When ever the news would come on and I would hear that a storm is coming I'd say "No problem." All and all this is my greatest fear and how I can get over it.

  14. Shaun

    One thing I have to overcome is that I need to to do a flip of the diving board. I dont get why I cant do it. In wrestling practice we do alot of flips. If you practice a lot you can acomplish your goal. I practice at wrestling, on my bed, and even bouncy catles at partys. I also do alot of jump rope to. somehow that makes me flip better. Today I did a flip of the ground into snow. It was really fun. If I acomplished that today, It would be amazing. I would to it 100 times more and over and over again and again. I would stop until I couldnt breath. My friends and I usually have a diving board contest in the summer. Now i would to flips instead of jackhammers . And after that I would try to the coolest flip ever. The 450 splash.

  15. Ben

    1:One situation I would like to overcome is fear of heights. when I get to a really high diving board I don't run to the end and jump off. I walk to the end. When I get to the tip my legs get really shaky. I look down and it looks like I'm going to dive off a mountain.

    2: I would think it would keep me un-free if I were to set an example to someone. I think this because what happens if I have to show it to my children? They look up to me and if I let them down they won't believe in me anymore.

    3: One way to overcome this is to close my eyes. When I'm at the beginning of the diving board I could run to the end and jump off! When I'm flying trough the air I would close my eyes. Another way is I could imagine that i was jumping off my bed. That would make it less scary.

    4:I would be at the pool. I would run to the diving board. I would jump off and do a 360 flip in the air. When I had my head out of the water everyone would be cheering.

  16. Ava,

    One thing I'm afraid of is heights, like Ben said and spiders. I would like to not be afraid of anything but everyone is afraid of something.
    One way I think I could overcome these fears is to just go at the edge of a moutain and look downward. It might help but might not help. The other thing that I would like to overcome is snakes they creap me out. One way I think It might help is if I look at a snake one time maybe in Disney or a Zoo. The good thing is that their in a cage so they can't touch me! I'm actually glad that I'm afraid of something because if I wasn't then I would do anything someone asks which isn't a good thing. That's two things I'm scared of and how I can overcome them!

  17. Alexander said...

    My inner fear is public speaking. I am always nervous when I am supposed to say something in front of the entire class. I don't really know how to "break out of this cage". I am always nervous that I might mess up and say something wrong.
    This fear is denying me because I always have the thought of messing up my entire speech if I say something incorrectly. If I give the wrong instruction, my speech wouldn,t be the same.
    I might be able to conquer my fear by speaking in front of crowds more often. If I could focus more instead of worrying that I might mess up, I would probably do better. Another way to end my fear of public speaking is to not act like there are a lot of people in the room. I could focus on three or four people instead of twenty-six. This might make the classroom look smaller and I might not be as scared.
    If my fear of public speaking ever ends, it would be a great day. I would be extremey proud of myself and I wouln't feel like I am held back anymore. This would change my life tremendously and would be a great opportunity. If I could conquer my fear just a little bit, I would be very proud of myself.

  18. Ava,

    The day would be spectacular but at the same time bad. The way it's bad is that like I said before I wouldn't be afraid of anything. But it can also be awsome because having the feeling that I'm not afraid of anything is cool.

  19. Bridget
    One fear I have is doing things infront of people. Whwnever I am about to do somthing and I see someone looking at me I dont do it. This frar is keeping me from doing things I want to do. I would like to overcome this fear. To not fear this anymore I could ask my good friends to watch my do some stuff. That way when I do it infront of other people I will just pretend that everyone watchin is a good friend. If I overcome this fear today wenever I want to do something I could just go ahead and do It I would really like to overcome this fear.

  20. Jordan

    My fear is getting lost. Getting lost, to me is one of the scariest things in life. When I am lost my mind goes blank. I can't think when I am lost. This fear is keeping me from feeling free. I thing so because sometimes when my family and I travel, I do not appreciate the trip as much as I would if I didn't worry so much about getting lost. I could overcome this fear by getting a card that stated the name of the hotel on it. So that I could just show a taxi driver the card and he could drive me my hotel. Another way to not get lost might be to learn the name of the streets around where I was traveling. If I overcame this fear, I would not worry so much on my trips. I could pay more attention to the beautiful wonders I would see. I would enjoy myself more. Keeping yourself closed in a prison of fear is not fun. To be in a mental prison can even be worse than a physical prison. In a way, mental prisons can be better though. Because you are not in a mental prison for a specific amount of time. In a mental prison, you decide when you want to get out.

  21. Miss Donna

    I believe fear is the unknown. We fear things we don't know. In order to move forward in life you need to face fear, or acknowledge that fear. Then and only then can you move forward.

  22. Ashvin
    I think that there are a lot of things to be afraid of in the real world. Usually we learn about these things without having to confront those fears. I think one thing I am afraid of is speaking in front of people. When there is a huge crowd, I am always afraid of messing up and ruining the entire speech. If I could just be confident and fully focused I know that I would do great.
    I think this fear is holding me back because in my opinion, I would do a lot better if I could just tell people what I have to say. If I continue messing up, I will gradually stop believing in myself and eventually I would be too scared to ask for simple things in a crowd. With that I would always be afraid of having a day where I will have to do an oral presentation or explain how to do something. If I let that happen I will definitely feel like I am in a prison.
    Becoming a better speaker for me is definitely possible if I try harder. Blocking out sound or other distractions would really help me concentrate. Having trouble with this fear is going to disappear, or at least be a lot easier, if I visualized the crowd as four or five people, rather than more than 25. I also think that we are already doing something great for people to overcome fear of speaking. In Study Skills we will be covering public speaking, and for people like me, that would really help.
    If I weren’t scared of having to speak in public, life would be a lot easier. I have always seen presidents as really lucky, because when they speak, you have no choice but to really like what they’re saying. That is how I want to be, indomitable in my words and very convincing. Since we were doing persuasive writing, I think that would really come in handy. I definitely would be proud of myself, and it would change my life.

  23. Noelle
    I fear almost everything. I am worried that I will make a fool of myself by simply answering a question out loud or merely talking to my friends. Whenever I be myself people make shocked faces. I despise being the center of attention. I am almost NEVER myself. I often feel trapped in a world where no one understands me but me. I would love to be able to overcome my fears but I have had them for so many years that I do not believe that is possible. My fears have been holding me back for years. That is why I don't like to raise my hand in class. It doesn't matter how hard I try, my fears just don't leave me alone. Doing the talent show last year really did help me, but I would not have been up on that stage if it wasn't for my friends and family helping me. My day would be wonderful if I didn't have these fears. I would probably raise my hand in class at least twenty times every hour. I would be myself and not worry about people thinking that I am a freak. I would probably try to be the center of attention at times. I don't think I will feel trapped anymore. If I was more confident it would change my life.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Amanda,
    One of my fears are is singing in public because I never had the guts to do it. I think a way that this is keeping me back is if I want to something scared I would never do it. But one of the ways to over come my is by singing in a talent show. Another way I could over come my fear is to a goup of people hear me sing. Thats a way I could over come a fear.

  26. Josh
    When I think of a prison, I Think of a brick building with small little rooms. Those are the cells where. People who have brocken the law are. Sentence by the judge who says they have done wrong who sit, sleep,and wait in there lonley cells. There lives float away like a balloon in the air. When you think of a cell what do you think of?

  27. Amanda, sing with me tomorrow as we leave for home at the end of the day....I'll help you face your fear!

    Miss Donna

  28. Alexandra
    My fear is singing in public. Some of my friends say I'm good at it, but I can't always do it in public. I think this fear is just holding me back a little. It keeps me a little from as singing as loud as everyone else in music and chorus. One way I could help overcome my fear is singing with my friends. Another way is to just take a risk. Kind of like jumping off 0f a high boundary. If I overcame my fear today I would feel more confident. I would also feel like there is nothing to hold me back. Just like a tide in the ocean. I would also be able to sing with my friends more often. I guess you could call my fear stage fright. My fear is just like everyone's fear. I plan to conquer it!

  29. Megan
    A fear that I have is faling a test. I always try my bast to get an A on a test. I think ever time I get my report card is, oh how did I do? Did that one grade bring me down a grade? This marking period I know there is a way to improve.

    I think that this is not denying me. I always try my best to get good grades. I also to be a better student.

    I can overcome my fear by studing harder. Every day I bring my textbooks packets and journals home to to look over what I did that day in class.

    If I overcome my fear today I would be much more organized. I can also be a much smarter students. I feel as if I can accomplish overcoming my fears today.

  30. marcos,
    The one fear I have is playing basketball with a lot of people watching. This fear is fine with my freedom but I perfure me playing by myself. One way to overcome this fear is to do my best and try to just ignore. If I overcame this fear I would be Michael Jordan and be amazing. So thats my fear.

  31. Ken
    My fear that I would like to overcome is nightmares. I always have nightmares about bad movies but I am in that movie. The worst people I dream about is Jason,(from Friday the 13th)Freddy Cougar,(Nightmare on Elm street) Micheal Myers,(Curse of Micheal Myers)and espeically Chucky(the movie). I want that fear gone. It is horrible! It affects my life and I think nobody should have my fear. I do plan to conquer that fear!!

  32. Evan

    A fear that I would like to overcome is the fear of standing in public. I think this fear is denying because I don't really go in public a lot. I could probably overcome this fear by standing in the back when I need to stand in public. Another way I can overcome this fear is by just not thinking about standing in public.
    If I overcame this fear today I wouldn't be scared of being in public every day. My fear would be gone and probably never come back. My days would be really good without that fear. If I had to stand in public I wouldn't be scared too much anymore. I would really like to overcome a fear that I can be effected with. I would just enjoy my day without that fear anymore. My days would just be normal days every day. I wish I would overcome this fear today. Standing in the stage wouldn't creep me out anymore. My fear is a big fear that other people have. In conclusion, this is how I can overcome my fear.

  33. Emma,
    My fear is public speaking.
    I think this fear is holding me back. I think this because I dont like to do it because my face get red. Also I dont like when people whistle, clap, scream, and laugh when the statement I said was not even funny.
    Some ways to ways to overcome my fears are to practice in front of my friends and family with short poems or storys. Also I can tell my family that I am scared of doing that and in my room I can practice to my dog. Lastly I can tell my parents to clap, scream, whitle, and laugh whenever I walk in to room. If one day I am not afraid of this I will dance,and sing to the class. I will hope it would be on a Friday. A Friday because then on Saturday at my basket ball game I could ask the reff if I could make a quick speach. Also I would be quiet alot because I would be planing a speach. Once I finish a speach I would want people to clap and stuff. Lastly I would always be trying to do a speach. That is my fear and how I would reslove it.

  34. Emily

    I am scared of being alone in the house. Sometimes I am alone in the house. And nothing happens to me. I think that this is keeping me back because that i will not get to be alone in the house. This is how I would overcome my fear. First I would stop watching scary movies. And I could also stop believing what people tell me about what happens when you re alone in the house. If I over come my fear I would be very proud of myself. I would start to stay alone in the house and start to get use to it. I wouldn't be scared of anything when I am in the house. I think by writing this I am not be scared anymore. I think that the people who read this, if you are scared to be alone in the house, don't worry everything will be fine. That's what I learned. This is how I will overcome my fears. Now I will never be scared of being in the house alone.

  35. Emma
    Emily I agree that being home alone would be scary. I have never tried and I dont want to.
